Tuesday, December 2, 2008


My family being of African decent specifically Nigerian, and growing up in a different culture, than the average Black American child I have come to know learn and accept the culture. I have taken a lot of humor growing up in a Nigerian household, it is especially more humorous when you know that other American children do not go through a quarter of the excitement and adventure that you go through in one day, in their whole life time. My father side is very big and also popular in Nigeria. I did great search on the Woghiren Family and learn great facts and cultural infomation about my family. Check out the Woghiren Family for yourself and be apart of culture Enjoy!

1 comment:

CManga said...

Hello Cynthia my name is Clarence McMillan you have a beautiful blog. I recently did a DNA test on 23andme and one of my matches has both Woghiren and Asemota as surnames.